We provide physical care, medical treatment (including pet sterilization), vaccinations, rehabilitation and placement into permanent homes for the animals who come to us. We also work to create an awareness with the community about the immediate need to reduce the number of unwanted pets by promoting rehoming and pet sterilization.
Adoption and Placement
We provide the following forms of adoptions or pets:
- Direct adoptions
- Transfers to other locations in need of adoptable animals
- Returning lost animals to their owners
Our primary goal is to get our dogs and cats into loving and forever homes. Our adopters must have the following to be considered for adoption:
- Be able to spend the time and resources to provide a lifetime of loving care for your adopted pet
- Be over the age of 18 and have a permanent form of ID (Driver's License or State ID)
- Be able to provide the name of your veterinarian
- Have the time to spend with an adoption counselor and complete the adoption process
- The adoption fee is $85 which includes sterilization (a state law in Texas), AVID microchip, puppy immunization shots and rabies shot
Before you adopt a dog, read our tips.
Transportation of Pets
We routinely fund and carry out the transport of dogs to our partner shelter and rescue groups. Upon arrival those transported animals find their forever homes. It is the most rewarding experience. If you are interesting in participating in funding a transport, please donate to our cause.
Pet Sterilization and Medical Treatment
By spaying or neutering the animals in our care, we help control the pet homelessness crisis, which results in millions of healthy dogs and cats being euthanized in the United States. There are also medical and behavioral benefits to spaying and neutering animals.
Please contact us for more information.
and her offsprings can
theoretically produce over
420,000 kittens in 7 years!!
and her offsprings can
theoretically produce over
96,000 puppies in 7 years!!
Rehabilitation and Fostering
We provide a temporary living space for dogs in our program while they wait for their forever homes. When we are short on space and receive a dog that can't be immediately placed up for adoption, we send out a call to our foster care volunteers. If you would like to be a foster care volunteer, please contact us. There are several benefits to opening your heart and home to foster a dog.
Assistance with Searching for Lost Pets
In certain cases, we do provide assistance in looking for your lost pets. We still request that you to file a lost pet report with every shelter within a 60-mile radius of your home and visit the nearest shelters daily, if possible and not give up searching. If you would like our assistance in looking for your pet, please email us at [email protected].
Interested in donating to our efforts? Please visit the Get Involved section of our website.